

The location that we chose to film at was Cold Stone Creamery, an ice cream shop, and Margate Library. These locations were chosen because my team members and I decided that the opening shot would be take place at an ice cream shop then move over to a library for part of the intro.

Margate Library-

Cold Stone Creamery-



Clay will play as Aliyah and David will play as Alex. Those two are required to memorize the script before we start filming. If they cannot we will stop as many times as we can to assist them. We also need to consider Clay's mom allowing her to go out and record with us. Her mom is quite strict. Davis also has some trouble staying focused, we will need to prepare for that as well.

Films Look, Feel, Sound-

The film will look clear in the first couple of scenes. When we start the flash back the film will change to look like an old memory. To achieve this we will put a filter over the different shots. The audio will sound faded and far away helping the film to feel more like a memory. In the flash back there clothes will be changed to look more outdated helping to relay the message that they are now kids.

Sound Recording-

We will have a light music playing in the background with an inner-monologue playing for the characters while they talk. So there will be little to no on screen talking, everything will be a voice over with the exception of  a couple lines of dialogue.

Story Board-


My Movie Script-

Shooting Schedule-

For the Ice Cream shots, we decided to film them with in a day, maybe two if needed. For the Library scene we decided to film them with in two days.


For filming the scenes we will use a team member's phone. For the audio we will use a team members phone to record the voice overs. For the on screen dialogue which will happen in the flash back scenes, it will be voiced over.


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